Wednesday, September 12, 2007

New York New York

Carson and Taylor at camp

Jolanda's been after me to update our blog since our return from New York and our visit with Taylor and Kaycee so I better do it I guess.

We flew in on August 30th and the next day we drove up to Palmyra passing through Scranton, PA home of The Office. I strained as hard as I could but I couldn't see Steve Carrall anywhere.

We were able to tour the Visitors center at Cumorah as well as visit the Joseph Smith home and the Sacred Grove. Interestingly, there isn't a designated area in the grove where the first vision took pace. It's a large wood with several paths leading through it.

Carson checking out his shoes

Carson checking out the food at camp

In front of the Joseph Smith home

The grove was really quiet and peaceful

One of the paths leading through the grove

I liked this shot of Kaycee and Carson with the sun streaming through

Another fun shot

Standing on top of the Hill Cumorah

New York City is enormous. The things I most wanted to do were to go to a Yankees game, visit the Apple store and see Times Square at night. Mission accomplished.

Nancy and Carson on the ferry to New York that Taylor takes every day

Denver on the Staten Island Ferry taking pictures of the Statue of Liberty

On the Staten Island Ferry

In the nose bleed seats at the Yankees game

Can you tell which one is Derek Jeter?

Nancy in awe in Times Square

Note Carson insisting on helping to push his stroller

The signs in Times Square are something to behold

Times Square was worth the visit


Leishman family said...

We miss you guys already. Carson is having a hard time without Grandma and the extra attention. Thanks for visiting.

Taryn said...

looks so fun!

Jolanda said...

Looks like you guys had a lot of fun. I am jealous that Rob and I couldn't be there too!