Sunday, October 7, 2012

October 6 Testosterone in the air

The line of asphalt in the alley was quite ragged since I removed the fence and excavation took place so we needed to cut the asphalt and create a nice clean line. Enter Denver. We rented a pavement cutter form Home Depot and then we went back and rented a demo hammer which is basically a smaller electric powered jackhammer,

Thanks to Denver for manning both of these testosterone inducing hunks of manly equipment.

 I forgot to get a photo of the pavement cutter but here's Denver with the hammer chipping away the asphalt along the cut line. I laid my shovel down and you can see that I have some catching up to do.

 It made for a nice clean edge.

Denver with the "weapon". It was really helpful that Denver has used one of these often at work in the summer.

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